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NHS Primary eyecare scheme for eye conditions

If you are registered with any of the GP practices listed below, we are able to see you free of charge if you require assistance with an acute eye condition.

The Minor Eye Conditions Service enables opticians to see patients for a non-sight test related examination under the NHS where they would not previously have been able to.  Patients who present with a red eye or flashes and floaters would otherwise have been sent to A&E or charged privately.

* Corona Virus update*

If you are in need of emergency care, for example if you are suffering from severe ocular pain, then you should phone your practice and someone will get back to you as soon as possible with further advice. If you are in need of urgent care but have any symptoms of coronavirus, such as a new, constant cough and/or a high temperature, or if someone in your household has these symptoms, please stay at home and call NHS 111 for further guidance.